Really, I enjoyed my year at SDSM&T. Living in real dorms was interesting. My roommate was a comp sci major, and my neighbor was a paleontology major. We had our own paleontology musuem. Thanks to the wide variety of interests there, combined with the student's 'proud nerd' spirit, it was a cool place.
Also, it once brought Robert Hastings, UFOlogist, to its lecture hall. I attended, having never heard his name before, but the most productive thing that came of it was a distorted recording which I later integrated into a friend's post rock project. It was a good time.
Anyway, Robert Hastings is one of many people who professionally make themselves look sketchy. With a website that looks straight from 1998 and an email address that just somehow reminds me of biblical apocalypses, he's perpetually halfway there. In fact, to make him seem EVEN MORE legitimate, he has a self-published book, available through his site. He's a retired photographer-lab technician, so I suppose I can afford him some sympathy. Somehow.
And now, fortuitously enough, Robert Hastings has been
I can tell you have done this whole blogging thing once or twice ;)