To us, winning is not victory in the game, but finding the most novel way to end it. Both of
us have highly developed but effectively suppressed competitive
instincts.The game becomes a memetic Rochambeau; in my second turn I capture his bishop with my own from across the board, but he responds by taking my bishop with a knight that that had been his first move.
Quickly, the board to my left gets pretty empty.
He puts my king in check with a rook in one corner. Then my surviving rook arcs around from the opposite corner to eliminate the threat. A move, I should note, that is not at all possible in regular chess.
We were playing on a highlighter-green and printer-paper white board; because our board was drawn on a piece of printer paper then colored with a highlighter. It was the most convenient way to try singularity chess. Instead of the regular checkerboard, something distinctly different tiled the board. The ends looked like a normal board, but it got stranger near the center line.
Singularity chess takes place one a board arranged around a particular point, the singularity. There are quite a few forum threads floating around about it, but the best info can be found here. The website had "disabled" right click, so I feel sort of bad about copying one of their images, but then I decided that it's just punishment for trying to do something as inane as disabling right click.** Here it is; with a particularly interesting movement drawn in;
So the pawn gets a lot more exciting in this game. I honestly don't yet fully understand it, but it seems to come down to two things;
1) Movements that reflect their original movements by color
2) Movements that reflect the originals by grid
Related: In this post a few months ago, I waxed at length about a version of checkers set in space.
** If you don't know why this is inane, you and I need to have a nice long talk about the myth of "intellectual property."
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